I had a great time at the Jack and Jill Father Son Breakfast. While there God used me to speak on “How to Be a Gentleman.” I informed them that being a gentlemen simply is doing what you are supposed to do. The sad fact for most fathers and sons is that we do not know what to do. Here is where I mentioned the role of fathers is to do the 3 “P’s.” Fathers are supposed to be the provider, protector, and priest for their family. I gave illustrations for each as well as the necessity for them all.
Likewise, L.O.V.E. is the role that sons should possess. Here love is an acronym for Learning, Obedience, Volunteer, and Evolve. The Lord showed me insight from scripture and life applications to give to the attendants.
I received speaking requests at the end of this speech, and if any of you would like to hear this speech or any other related subject matter in detail just go to my booking’s page, and I would gladly accomodate you.